Thursday, September 20, 2007

Aww shucks...

I knew I shouldn't have done it as soon as I walked into the place...

Stepped into the pet shop to buy the furry ones their food, and I was hopelessly, magnetically drawn to this beautiful creature seated quietly amid the noise and excitement of the puppy sales area at the back of the store.

I feel sorry for Huskies raised in Singapore - bred to brave the winters of the Northern Hemisphere, it must be uncomfortable being slow-baked in equatorial Singapore...

But this little fellow had such a look in his face, such a clever spark in his cool blue eyes, that I was tempted to just whisk him out of there... Cocoa would have been a happy little girl too - he is a handsome little devil...

Sigh... oh well, I hope he gets a good home - so many dogs in this country are bought on a whim and then discarded when the thrill rubs off. I wish him well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

he is such an adorable boy!! i, too, feel that it's so cruel for huskies to be in places like singapore! what's worse is that when i was staying near east coast some years back, some people were showing off their huskies at the park... under the hot sun!! makes me mad everytime i see them. :(