Well its been almost two whole months since my last entry. Time flies when you're having fun...
Actually after days and nights of frantic editing and frequent pacing of the edit room floor and myriad instances waking up and pleading to no-one in particular, "Why the hell did I choose to make a film with Animal Planet about the most endangered (and therefore most elusive) mammal species in Sri Lanka?" - the job is done (almost).
"Season of the Spirit Bear" will be a thing of reality and celluloid and in Animal Planet's safe hands next week. Its been a blast, its been a bloody nightmare, its given me sleepless nights and times of doubt...
To many seasoned wildlife film-makers, its just another job in the can, but for many reasons this project is important to me. Come November when it finally goes on air, I hope that at least a fraction of that meaning will be conveyed on screen. I will post more details about times when I get them.
But in the mean time - its good to be back. I have got a little tired of sleepless nights!